Friday, March 27, 2009

Breakfast Conversation

During breakfast this morning Daniel had a few questions:

Daniel: "Mommy, what does 'stubborn and rebellious' mean?"

Mommy: "Well, rebellious means that if I tell you to go to the bathroom and wash your hands, and you say 'NO! I will not!,' you are being rebellious. Stubborn means to get your mind set on something and then refuse to change your mind."

Daniel: Pauses..."Mommy, what does 'temporal values' mean?"

Mommy: (Wondering where he heard that term and how to explain it to a 4 year old...) "Well, it means to be concerned only with something that is not going to last, something temporary."

Daniel: "Oooooh. I don't want that. I want to have NOCTURNAL values!"

So cute. I love that he wants to have "eternal" values, but still doesn't know that right word for it. His heart is in the right place.

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