Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Things we need...

Our daughter. I don't know where she comes up with some of these things...She was having a little tea party the other day on the patio outside the kitchen window while I was cleaning up the lunch dishes. I looked outside just in time to see Hannah, arms outstretched to the heavens, imploringly crying out "Oh Lord, we need more chicken!!!"


the Joneses said...

Dear Hannah:

Quail, yes.

Bread, yes.

Chicken? Not sure about that.


Kevin said...

That's hilarious. Sounds like Hannah and Addie Jones should team up on their randomizations. BTW, I noticed that the title of your post is linked to a blank page. Is that an implication that you don't need anything? ;)

fearbaby said...

Be careful kids, you might be inadvertently raising a future charismatic ;)

Oh, and just to let you know, your brother and sisters in Florida are quite hurt that you did not inform them of your new blog.

Debra said...

Kevin, (this is Peter), I didn't fully explain to Debra how to use the "BlogThis" feature. So, she had links popping up on her titles. I've fixed it now. :)