Thursday, March 30, 2006

Good Morning!

I'm sitting in the waiting room waiting for them to let me in to see Debra. I stayed until almost midnight last night, which is pretty good considering I wasn't supposed to be able to stay past 8.
Shortly before leaving the hospital last night, the Lord comforted my heart. He is still in control. Everything that has happened and will happen was ordained by Him for His glory.
We were able to see Caleb again last night shortly before I left, and I was able to talk to the pediatrician about his situation.
As of last night at about midnight, Caleb still needed extra oxygen. Room air is about 21% oxygen and Caleb needed about 35%. If it gets up to 40-45%, they would have to transfer him to Valley Children's Hospital. He also had too high of a level of CO2 in his blood, and the x-rays showed a few patches of moisture, so they needed to give him antibiotics to guard against infection.
I think we get to see him at 8:30 this morning, so I'll try to do another post after that.

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