Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Days

Does anyone remember the theme song to the show "Happy Days?" I feel like I could sing it today.

We had such a terrific Thanksgiving weekend. It was such a treat to have Peter home with us for four whole days! Even though the kids and I were all under the weather with wretched colds, we were so happy to have so much Daddy time. We all walked around smiling all day long.

One night as we climbed into bed, vaporizers steaming up each room, I told Peter that that was one of the happiest days of my life - just having such family harmony. The kids were all so kind to each other. Peter and I sat and talked on the couch in the middle of the day (wow!). We brainstormed and planned for the upcoming year. We ate leftovers and take out food. We all went shopping at hardware store together... It was all no rushing, no pressure, and all just enjoying each other. It was the kind of day you dream about as a single person who has hopes to marry and have kids someday.

I guess it is just one more thing to be thankful to the Lord for.

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