Friday, January 25, 2008

The Little Things in Life

I realize that I may be the only one right now who is not completely absorbed in something world-changing, like presidential politics, unsolved crime, or keeping up with Heath Ledger's funeral service, etc. Oh, I have plenty to say about all of the above, but I'm just trying to "keep it real," as they they say.

I realized today that I have not read a novel since March, 2006, when I was in the hospital trying to keep my mind off the fact that my newborn was shut up in the ICU trying to breathe. I know many of you are avid readers out there, and probably look at me with shock and pity, but my reading these days is limited to books that meet a felt-need around here (like potty-training and home organization), and even then I'm lucky if I finish the entire book without skimming part of it.

I'll admit, I'm an article reader. Short, I can do. Long, well...if you want me to learn it, better put it on a CD for the car! Before college I was an avid reader. I loved to read! I loved to learn and imagine! Unfortunately, in college I read and read and read until I thought my head would explode with scads of rather useless and completely unrelated information. I swore off useless reading, and busied myself with purposeful reading. But somewhere along the way, I went back to reading-for-pleasure.

And then I became a parent. My attention span has been somewhat burned by the fact that my attention is called to helping one or the other small child about every 2 minutes (or less). But today I found myself skimming an article, and I was rather disgusted with myself. I used to be a deep thinker. Maybe the old addage 'parenting causes brain damage' is true! It feels like parenting has caused ADHD in my case! I am just so BUSY!!! Somebody always needs their cup refilled, a sock put back on, a bottom wiped, a tear dried, a book read, a piece found... When Peter comes home I ask him what is happening in the outside world and sit there hanging on every word!

So here ends my pity party, and here begins my official posting of my New Years resolutions. I have gone back and forth about posting this, because I'm worried that someone will hold me to these amazingly BASIC things. I guess I finally decided that some accountability was good. You will notice there is nothing grand or sensational here, just goals that I think, by God's grace, I can attain this year.

2008 Goals

  • Blog 3 times a month
  • Plant flowers and/or a garden
  • Relax and not rush through school with Hannah
  • Relax and enjoy kids & Peter
  • Exercise somehow, somewhere!
  • Spend AT LEAST 5 minutes of UNINTERRUPTED time in the Bible/with the Lord EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR
  • Date with Peter at least once a month
  • Try new recipes
  • Get out of town with just Peter at least once this year
Think I can manage? These are certainly the little things in life, but I'd like to think that investing in my family is my way of changing the world - one life at a time.


Amy K said...

Debra, it's the "basic" things that moms are always too busy to do at the end of the day! That's great that you've put together a list, to help remind you of what is important and the things you really want to do this year.

Regarding novels, that's why I decided to do book club, to make myself read at least one novel or memoir per month--something just for FUN (not self-improvement or kid-related). I've really enjoyed it. Some months I've burned the midnight oil to get it done in time but I'm always glad I did it in the end. Like you, I lost my love for reading in school too. It's exciting to feel that I'm finally starting to get it back.

Chad, Joanna and Emmie said...

Hi, you don't know me, but Chad and Peter used to play basketball together way back when. This post was an encouragement to me, knowing that other moms desire me/self-improvement time too.

On the topic of bible study and prayer, it was pointed out to me that while we deisre to have our 5minutes of quite time we shouldn't be so focused on that 5 minutes (and how we're failing God because we don't get to it one day because we're busy with family) that we neglect to use the "moments" God has given us during the day to reflect on God's word and pray. Scripture cards by the sink to read and meditate on while washing dishes, praying for a child as you change their diaper, scripture on the bathroom mirror to read while getting ready in the morning. This is not to say that we shouldn't strive for that 5 minutes, but right now God may not give us 5 minutes but He will give us moments.


Debra said...

Thanks, Joanna for the reminder. I have heard that that from seasoned moms too. I'm still going to do all I can to keep 5 minutes for my Savior, but I'm not going to feel condemned if I don't. I guess I look at it like my relationship with my husband - I save time for just him, but sometimes we're just running so hard that time alone (while we're awake!) is hard to find. Thankfully, Peter doesn't hold it against me, and I trust that in a similar way God sees what is going on in my life. Thanks again for your encouragement.

By the way, Peter absolutely knew who Chad was!

Paula Velez said...

I'm right there with you regarding the five minutes of prayer (and all the other stuff). I often think about how easy it was for me to schedule time with the Lord when I was in college and now I wonder where I'll be able to find the five minutes for prayer, let alone ten minutes for exercise!