Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Ickies

Peter and I are both sitting in bed sick right now. It's kind of funny, because we decided it is fun being sick together! Maybe misery loves company, but it is also just fun to be with someone when you're too sick to do anything else.

I think I picked this flu up at church on Sunday. On Sunday evening I wasn't feeling too great, and by Monday morning (which happened to be one of the few holidays in the year when my dear husband is home) I was really sick. I spent almost all of Monday in bed. Fortunately for us all, my parents are right in the back pasture, so they swooped in and rescued the kids from The Ickies.

By Tuesday morning I was feeling much better...but Peter wasn't. The guy who is NEVER sick actually cancelled all of his appointments but one (he couldn't get out of that one), and spent the day in bed. I was too weak to do much, so my parents again took the kids all day, and brought them back at bedtime.

Last night I woke up thinking we were having an earthquake. I laid very still for a second listening, almost excited that we were having an earthquake (it's been some time since we had one), until I realized it was Peter shiverring with the chills!!! Poor guy! I've been so cold, and he has been so hot, that we are quite the duo. I keep snuggling up to him to get warm, and then he starts sweating profusely to cool down.

Today is Wednesday. Peter cancelled his morning appointments, and abbreviated the afternoon ones. We're sitting/laying here trying to rest. I can't sleep, because the only thing that I can eat still is 7Up floats, and the sugar is keeping me awake. He's not asleep because he can't get comfortable. We've been watching Perry Mason reruns and trying to figure out the plots. I'm sorry to say, we still can't figure them out until the end!

Hopefully, this will end soon. I'm not complaining, because it is just too funny. I just hope that the kids and my parents don't get The Ickies.


Nica said...

Awww! I'm so sorry! If I weren't afraid of the kids getting sick, I'd bring by some soup or something. :(

Praying for you guys.

Paula Velez said...

That's the worst! Thank God for grandparents nearby. There is a terrible flu going around and it seems to be hitting the people who never get sick the most - My partner teacher has been out for almost a week. I'll be praying for God's quick healing for you and Peter and that He'll protect the kids and your parents from the ickies.