Friday, February 16, 2007

What a Day!

My list today included:
1. Pay bills
2. Vaccuum
3. Unpack
4. Ironing

Instead, this is what has happened so far:
1. Leave breakfast half eaten on the table with 3 children in tow (two of which are still in pajamas) to rescue Peter. His car died on the way to court for a trial readiness hearing.
2. Deliver Peter downtown to court. Dress one child in the underground parking garage.
3. Come back to broken car. Meet tow truck man on the freeway off ramp.
4. Go to car repair place and explain the problem.
5. Go to Jamba Juice to have more breakfast. Dress third child. Have nice visit with someone I haven't seen in many years.
6. Go to Petsmart to kill time and entertain kids. Why not make the best of the day and have a field trip?
7. Leave in a hurry to pick up Peter, who is now on the west side of town at opposing counsel's office.
8. Deliver Peter to his office.
9. Come home. Nurse baby. Feed children picnic in the back yard. (Let me insert here that I have decided our backyard is theraputic. I needed it today too!) Come in to clean up breakfast dishes.
10. Notice that it is very quiet outside...
11. Discover children playing in the forbidden sandbox, full of spiders and cat poopoo.
12. Freak out.
13. Bannish everyone to inside for baths.
14. Bathe two children.
15. Put three children to bed.
It's not yet 3:00. We'll see what else we need to do today...

By the way, please keep Peter in your prayers. He is super busy at the office, even without a trial starting on Tuesday. Please pray for clear thinking as he works extra hours and gets less rest time, exercise and sleep, and for me with the kids. It feels like he's out of town even though he's here.


Paula Velez said...

I can totally relate to the day you had. Some days it just seems that nothing goes as planned!

Amy K said...

Crazy!! But at least you got Jamba Juice out of the deal. :)

Nica said...


Praying for you guys!